These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, club=FwO configured:
  1. Kacprinh0
  2. jevenix
  3. Lomeze
  4. Nicoulious
  5. Mailou
  6. Fwthegreat
  7. Elytrus
  8. Bogdi38
  9. Jorn
  10. YoYo_21048
  11. Pickles
  12. YamiKira
  13. Nicky
  14. shift
  16. Sssss13
  17. Moon
  18. LeoLikesLithium
  19. Wren
  20. Johakke
  21. Guest4902
  22. JovaNis_67
  23. Uks
  24. Guest4820
  25. Zack
  26. Elplay
  27. winks (previously)
  28. bruhmabruh (previously)
  29. FazeJayne (previously)
  30. TestableChronic (previously)
  31. Realize (previously)