These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, country=IN configured:
- Falconix
- Manoj Gamer
- Rish
- heriaeth
- CluelessCat69
- nylque
- Devansh
- Shaggy
- Anu_jin_
- Ash
- Asator
- Guest3448
- ree
- SiddEzz
- 𝓐𝓜😉22
- SwizzCheese
- Bullet4780
- MonstrousWhistle7
- Saud
- Levithan
- Saisharan J
- Guest9921
- Anaar
- adarsh
- armaan playz
- Cosfy
- Segfault
- Guest5562
- bignoob
- Guest1338
- Harbringer147
- NotTejasYT
- HaughtyQuest371
- Guest1184
- arcanez
- Enxo
- Godlylegend70
- Petoolia
- Guest7694
- Guest9643
- Guest2161
- Leg1tG
- JokingAttic8543
- LegitLab4
- Provider725
- Marwan
- HetPethani2008
- FunkyWunderkind
- Sid
- ComplexMagnet11
- FantasticalStor
- Aqua
- MrInventor
- Guest5886
- Zed2601
- yipra97
- Guest7164
- Golu
- Guest6624
- tofi.-
- SKYFIRE93857
- Shsunessy
- MohanKiran07
- Guest5048
- Guest7589
- Gunonward
- arcane
- cocopie14
- Guest2389
- Ak47king007
- Ataraxia
- Godzilla
- Guest7330
- Guest8154
- Guest8498
- fujikowa
- MercilessInstan
- Nixon
- UndueBulletin28
- hailstormtroope
- akarsh_01
- Guest2398
- Guest6079
- r3tr0z1ay3r
- FacetiousRebell
- naitik1123
- Guest8761
- Guest6114
- NeutralCriterio
- gamesy
- Ak47kingisbad
- OmK1711623
- Guest4693
- FiftiethDesert3
- Vexx
- soumyadipxndp
- bainthebig
- Guest7423
- racist
- CyanBot
- Guest9745
- Devansh
- Shaizzz
- Guest7188
- SeventhType3
- OzyMandias18
- Recklessgameryt
- Glizzy
- VashAbyss
- Hdmincraft
- Narpar
- DreadedTorpedo8
- Guest4156
- Ninja Warrior
- NonGamerNoob1
- Guest8092
- SolicitousBatch
- chirstanoronold
- Faloam
- UnbearableHunt2
- CaramelSeargean
- Jamal
- Legosam3
- AffablePeddler5
- yashismyman
- Pixel
- Krish
- Pd
- MeRcUrY44444
- Guest2154
- Anique
- Rox_Star
- Ayushjod69
- Vikadanathan
- lolpromaster
- Guest7033
- Enxo
- Mellownen
- Guest6835
- RDVannos
- Crysis3699
- Always gets 1st
- Chiraanththekin
- Guest3485
- CheetahSpeed
- Guest3988
- RubberQuarry2
- Shaurya711
- Byte
- Guest8008
- samsonjamie16
- BlueGamerz
- rbs876
- FreeLove
- IconicAttacker4
- Mustufa7112
- greatrudra2004
- ElectricHotDog8
- ImmuneSpecialis
- RedFlash65
- xCurry
- i want to lose
- Guest3542
- SamuraiX
- Pyro
- ThePunisherTM
- logicfool
- arunempire10506
- Askiros
- HornedBorrowing
- Yannissan1
- Guest6126
- OrdinaryBoy1234
- Boxer Sheoran
- atulpatildbz
- Guest6607
- KratosEros
- pranav angadi
- ArmedYak1018
- Guest5995
- Chuzlie
- RaDiaNT
- dddd
- CosmicNerd2262
- imagine losing
- MrPickle
- Sonia
- lucifer
- GoelUtkarsh
- Zapdown123
- Moshimoshi
- yesabhijith1
- vaibs
- nisarg19
- romero
- Rijz76
- A1c4tra2
- SakshamPro2501
- Yatharthpro2009
- Guest7180
- The Skylord
- lilnuug15
- zzzvoir
- FantasticMaze35
- Reshop
- XxAritzZxX
- sheikhsuhaibQS
- pureNegative30
- Stardust
- MoodyDancer7665
- FrozenNote57
- dragongoodluck
- TheLoneWo96
- manimn3
- SinuousFlexibil
- joji's alterego
- Quoto
- Aamirxgamer1
- Sushank21x
- Guest6819
- EducatedTree450
- Minibot73
- SakethPai
- NoObSmOkE1998
- CompatibleDagge
- NjanOruGamer1
- mufibest007
- Deep 4241
- HelloThere
- ImpromptuWax45
- DragonBlitz18
- KingLucifer1470
- Rudra28
- PrincePlays01
- CutaneousBorder
- TacitInside30
- ElatedSerpent30
- Guest9398
- NarrativePropri
- FlimsyVerse66
- Guest1512
- Tailz
- ElatedFire15110
- EnchantedApostl
- squishthecat
- Akmyyo
- Aman23
- RevolutionaryMo
- ATDP_xxx
- dShotX
- Nasirmaggi65
- likith123456789
- PrestigiousFalc
- Notanerdgamer20
- RedheadedDeputy
- TinyboiArj
- PrathamKapoor16
- WhimsicalCoder8
- nooooooooobeii
- mohammadalfaizk
- SlowWeirdo264
- StarFall2345
- kingshot771
- Guest1762
- shahida tm
- FieryTRex5299
- icebro1234
- ShadowSniper090
- Guest5972
- thekingsaman007
- hetukatyayan
- CriticCell
- Cream4716
- ShadwwBeast9797
- Guest2819
- JayPatel2020
- Guest4275
- Guest9788
- CombativeBlaste
- SuperXiphias
- smokeywarriors1
- frostyfeat
- Guest1746
- Barnil29
- CrazyValkyrie93
- Demening
- HeheBoii01
- Krishnavarma201
- GuiltyPretense1
- MasterMaulikJr
- Guest9305
- Ayush op
- Deutorious
- NinjaX742
- Guest9541
- meltyinnit
- MindOfMadness
- TheStacker8
- NappingCampaign
- Guest8272
- Manik628
- Guest5876
- Defo_NotPrylon
- PsycoDom
- Cappuccino
- Guest6121
- Guest6842
- Magic
- GooeyPhenomenon
- Guest9821
- Guest9438
- Apollo Bowie FL (previously)
- naoh (previously)
- BAKI (previously)
- gbot (previously)
- Fantasy (previously)
- Frog907 (previously)
- Doilweq (previously)
- MasterChief (previously)