These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, country=RO configured:
- 我 | ★𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐨シ
- The best
- Smartlex
- JestfulFish5637
- SolidBackbone50
- q_p.paul
- 4x4
- 1ani3
- solonuju
- Chinezu
- Guest1048
- Eaaasportyy
- misery96
- Snowy
- TheGodIsHere2036
- katiserie
- sugi
- FleshEatingJock73891
- StudiousStoreho
- Deivid 2
- ByPwAsS
- Mihai023
- Poo on the beat
- ChrisLuvNoSkill
- Tud
- YoAlex
- imakilla
- Thekingexoracer
- FlexibleAnimati
- AlexR05
- TurquoiseAdjunct3292
- fanta6942
- Miruru
- PutativeGemini3
- tokyoodrift
- Rand up
- TheRealGhost
- nicolas
- Edi29
- Guest5083
- Trycatchingme
- Domy
- Guest3839
- Zrrrr
- linn .
- darixiis
- dhmis_fan
- Guest3098
- Guest3751
- Guest8544
- Calyn
- lIlIThePanther
- PaulGamingHD
- bogz
- °𝟛Ʌ爪°
- F1r3Start3r
- not arxis
- Guest3801
- cheeta
- 14cozmin
- crak3n
- raul
- Pluto_Boy
- Andrei
- Anthony
- TeamCatYt
- eleven
- Kao
- brOKen
- Oxtail23
- Daniel-05-
- waldythebest
- calinmatGDF123
- carcel
- ဨသဨဖဖဨဥွဣ
- Ericsson 3D
- TheBandit
- DensePrint28
- JestfulKnight46
- antonel
- Gusti
- Mido
- MrGuestSamsung
- raresh30
- Federico Popa
- ItsAlexo2x2
- Vlad
- RobyMuc
- SoftJavelina13
- dragos20100000
- Flaviusica
- George
- agent tt
- FragileVortex58
- calinmatGDF
- PlainProjection13
- benitzuu
- PayGorn
- P1xel
- hmidc
- halx123
- ZeuS__
- Guest6111
- IanisCastiga123
- b0g1n
- Guest8745
- quaddrro
- davijdvsRo
- Killer_xD
- someone
- Pay Gorn
- BYDavidu
- Andrey5015W
- hdwv
- Guest4784
- Guest6541
- M4R10
- GOD Roby
- Mariahh
- Guest1351
- pulanegro
- GiornoGiovanna
- OdaiCuDorian
- RobaeRoba
- kurtoskolaci
- Guest4222
- oons
- Alex09BH
- SobyInterlop
- Guest3519
- Syz
- halx123
- Guest3535
- Guest1822
- Guest5101
- violezorfani 69
- dede70
- Chunkingosaurus
- stanciucu
- rankedfisturick
- watasigma vMxty
- Zoro
- Guest3784
- Flavius22
- nx moxi ro
- Tudor
- S1mB1oT3
- PetruYT3511
- Guest9264
- Clair!
- Guest9727
- Guest3388
- Guest2799
- korsoooo
- dogeyDJ2009
- MitzaNinjago
- dragos123445
- qwerg
- David
- snik
- Tudorius
- Guest9027
- R-ALEx3
- NotTyuhna
- occupy
- Jami
- kamikaze
- CuteJustin
- Ballingggg
- CongestedFish80
- Ionel
- MariusOsu
- Vlad Stefan
- josh
- LeggedHeadquart
- Rychz_
- Haaland
- Tudor
- Guest4506
- Guest1258
- meme
- Cartofell347
- n3alucaa
- Ex0.K1nG
- Guest6282
- GloriousGravity
- 𝓫𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓪_𝓭𝓫𝓭_𝓽𝓽𝓿
- MrBacon
- Dorel2pitic
- 00
- Bimbo
- eleven
- Burgir
- Jokerfox61
- Ωμέγα
- mitzzu14
- MeanestDream20
- Ez Zenor
- aspirant5
- InspiredPilot86
- CrushedMartyr29
- Edy
- PallidSuperiori
- davidbrk2013
- Not SooR Here
- Guest8930
- flame
- Ycrazy
- SociableTemper
- Alex
- Your grandma
- Krvxx
- Luckyluca3
- CuteEduardJUST
- ZenitsuLmaoo
- Guest5320
- Saul Ivu
- Guest7051
- Robistef
- Iulian
- Guest1387
- femboy_jk
- InfallibleCamp3
- axd
- Duk1
- fabi tris
- Guest4807
- Guest9829
- Andreinotfound
- mastrer
- MassiveDecree7
- Lucaboss
- NighTyYoru
- BingBongLing
- Aschiuta 03
- David
- OpalSatyr6315
- LegalisticEveni
- Ve77o
- MockingGnome990
- Pad
- DenserMigration
- ODaiCuTaktu
- MockingGnome990
- RaresulRo
- ArtlessSpy20
- Stef
- MarioorAndrei
- Guest2548
- OpalRattlesnake
- Augu
- Razvyxxx1
- Aled
- VolatileLog51
- someone?
- paul0osfeic
- rokka5r
- Guest4546
- NeMo
- IndubitableNymp
- DavidTheBoss1
- andreiecoole
- dortos
- ConformableCavi
- Guest2043
- L bozo
- Nugget69
- RobyyY
- OpalFlame55527
- darius
- Synk734
- Imgraze
- Cosmin
- paul0os
- RapidSprite9812
- Guest3738
- Guest9936
- Guest2196
- niko
- jeff_uo
- plminmata
- butter
- Kire20171809
- pafi
- UrEd
- Guest8960
- Blitzzz__exe
- Heromax24
- Vl4dimir
- AGO0cr
- raduxd
- alexcos1
- Chinezzzu
- ligth122
- Walter White
- luca legend
- nochetojustpro
- xxneyxs
- Gabi
- Eduard
- Luca
- Zelly
- trashaimnub
- MRC_iustin
- Guest2911
- qetzal
- Guest1102
- Capsator
- raven
- Cos
- sebi
- Ratzzaa
- Vetto
- georgescu
- rarres
- sab201711
- filipoc
- Manueq1
- PaulonSkate
- i0s4f
- BlakJack
- ccrazvanandrei
- Vlad Sava
- theblazed
- maibinenu
- ovidel
- Erikkb
- JollyFly713
- sv_twele
- the man
- vyxl
- FieryWeirdo5324
- ComicInterrupti
- WatchingKraken6
- Sobolanel10
- TRomy
- Raduw1235
- Guest7177
- Flavius
- yametecorasai
- mata1234
- DR4G0S24
- chirbitel
- DemonicJuggler1
- cossie
- RoboXD69
- Guest1427
- cezar
- iustin1027
- NotRuben
- SnakeWtb2_0
- CoolerHallmark2
- Guest2869
- Guest8576
- MeZaip
- FoulKnock16
- GloatingBoss334
- FreezingRenegad
- sznk
- 5h4rd
- AndreiMenix
- rahy
- FormlessForecas
- stefan
- Rauuul
- Gworn
- Bulgaras
- 69
- GutturalSkin55
- minicactus
- MagnificentSala
- Lexbi
- D3Xtr
- Free_cock69
- Guest6415
- EnderSlayer!
- Scrambles
- Nicholas
- Yora's bad
- Alex aka me
- cratrat
- theonewhoknocks
- Ra1nbhi
- JauntyVein55
- Dacianpowerneed
- twelve
- Manu02
- Bthegod
- Denitzu
- ImagineBeingBad
- Guester
- mitzaar
- Guest4247
- Matey
- dumyand
- RustyKahuna4698
- P4tric
- floriniosif2010
- Cln1x
- 0vedenie
- CalledAlbi
- Simplyyyy
- PaulinoJucatoru
- nichifordavid
- bingus dingus
- Darius1004
- Esh luca
- Calinescu__
- NerdyJock48149
- Bogdanel
- Phidar
- Wo4lfer
- Rxtra Food Bozo
- stoica_vere
- Printulcezar
- Edi029
- DenisTYC
- FrugalPlethora
- LameAristocrat4
- Guest7109
- Guest4563
- otigae420
- Patrick
- Geo
- iamamam1
- jt
- DaniBoy102030
- bobo
- ForeignMedusa12
- TributaryNeck17
- NoxiousHarveste
- eleven
- Supdud
- GLMatei69
- Skromp
- CrankySquirrel5
- im bad
- denis
- Ericsson 3D
- BrownMedic2171
- PoeticalBasebal
- Sara_iza_
- Bonan02
- NeedlessSurfer3
- Huvilan1337
- NxTudorAnd
- pro grandma
- davidd7
- Claudiu
- V1centiU
- Elven
- Guest6640
- OdaiCuThealpha0
- Zark
- Epok_Malvi_69
- RevengefulMattr
- Raresh500
- Rechinus1
- Guest7075
- ConcreteAgenda1
- seven
- mifu
- Seko
- Barzan123
- alexboss
- Slippy Pengu
- Deniss
- DenisMH_
- Fourteen14
- exo_gravyxx
- Motanu'
- SafeSufficiency
- GlacialDiction2
- ProfligateHarm1
- StaunchCategory
- xor
- PastJar32
- ionatanty
- VeteranConfines
- Stefan59mtd
- SergiuKing229
- Avent
- tudor smecheru
- Epanda7
- StreetMan_X
- Rimai noob
- Guest9329
- sky
- PuradelTigan
- ImInYourPlanet
- Rimai fangirl
- Romangutan
- negga
- Yanis
- Parsul
- danielRE
- Guest_8756
- Filip
- Silviu64
- Pula
- qeerzlmao
- oliver_cool
- shadow2332
- bot
- NxS_Matei
- GeorgicaMafiotu
- Kamec
- obbyluga
- Ovidiubgy123
- Bogdi38
- TLU-MaTei-RO
- Mateisiatat3
- Mat31
- sebacky7
- 0stizi0
- Elon Musk
- BiBi
- SheLovesValstet
- Phonky
- perryorintorinc
- ZippyConjurer21
- mateisamurai201
- FortunateLiving
- Guest4525
- AussieFriend
- ImperfectPetiti
- Limax
- Lets goo
- kaws
- bot 3
- AlexPalade2008
- Rowbogdi
- Radu
- cirba23
- luca_idkk
- Frostie
- RariHam
- xmh
- Stefanboss052
- Guest8509
- Guest4885
- Alexes
- ronert9076
- Notpro
- bogdan328
- Erick Kovacs
- L33tCoach3
- davidsoreionut
- HolisticBalance
- dragon
- Andrei
- pulaaaaa
- Tabusca
- GeekyExpert9192
- GOD Yuzi
- ReclipseReal
- anuck890
- Codrinel
- Zam0lxemk
- lucaplays
- seebiii
- SoulKillerOnYt
- r4ndom
- Iuliks
- Victor
- CastraveteMurat
- Guest9535
- sashaandrei2009
- HarsherChain6
- NXSmatteo10
- dragos_si_atat
- neamtzu80
- traglast
- Subscor9128
- dutu
- saulmarian284
- eleven
- Syaz
- pierre
- sLvN_07
- SmartSeeker
- Exo_Luca
- Guest3684
- stefane2007
- Guest2657
- patew
- Mariutos
- AndiPacearescu
- GrizzW
- Deadlyblood1435
- Zippy
- Guest7273
- cre1uu
- Luca
- RazvanIzTheWolf
- FractionalWealt
- FresherBehavior
- erotervs 3gei
- ro1bobo
- Tudrish
- Gabxx
- dancica970
- eleven
- LuxuriousHunger
- DarkFly
- Cop
- tired
- UnwieldyAusteri
- Pruusgy
- rvdam2189
- IndulgentReserv
- soundninja91
- Guest2520
- MerioRo
- AndreFrost
- Alex Pro
- Microsoft
- NotPaul22
- chicken_loves_U
- RareBlade330
- VladyZeW
- Dey0411
- stas
- DogeGesus
- Swizy
- FakerRO
- Ari_G
- Guest5735
- Jupiterboay
- Deivid
- JustRemyyy
- SystematicLegen
- Edis_came
- ExoCold
- AL3X
- InsaneHoplite23
- TeiuTeiu
- Davidppk09
- HirsuiteSword55
- dvd_cu_d
- GraveMeal38
- Dannysh500
- Alex
- ValiantWinner12
- InformalDrought
- Sewyyy
- PeterGriffin
- Lammy
- tavisukaru
- asi
- sx_ghostie
- Denisnovice
- Ks2IsPro
- ExoRacerNoob
- ImmaculateCliff
- ionut6665
- MarioBeats
- Albastars
- Alto
- Guest5810
- idkk
- Green_muc
- WickedUnicorn97
- Flaming921
- SleekMagic95243
- dimisor
- Meme_RO
- ping
- Eu
- Pula in cur
- bogdaj
- Andreyy
- reffl3x
- TheBest
- Guest2550
- Eduardaahh
- Bodo
- xGabriel2010
- DanyshhJR
- ceaoi
- Guest6286
- YAnnis0588
- hahah
- capitanminigun0
- Spurx
- hilala
- DirectMask136
- horatiu2733
- efee
- EU
- iSeeGhost
- ThatAndrei
- BrodyMad
- driz
- simple
- RoPingu125
- Blade
- dtx
- Guest2110
- Dinazeu
- PiratulAfrican5
- Kyto
- Nann
- Te pap
- Also Me
- craft on pc
- goofyplayer
- tyuioperwqda
- bucsanub
- SharedWolf
- bot 2
- Nicolas
- Beni96
- Guest5002
- Guest3702
- DilligentFeet24
- KelvinWilson975
- xxZergo12
- FauxBruiser6569
- RegularDevil345
- Daniel
- Dakkaaff
- Kiss_FM
- Gam_er47
- BaMuieEstiSmech
- ThreeAddress19
- LoopyOfficer81
- Alex
- dvd_cu_d
- FreelanceValkyr
- fwryuk3
- DogeBoyYT
- Emy_Sky
- erikxoxo
- Gheboasa
- RabidRage7789
- drill
- 92_Yarin
- ReSpXcT
- RD1_1
- Vladmificul
- Lxner
- Guest5275
- oaie speciala
- olariumuiedutu
- Andreas
- Black
- StoneCraft2005
- beelucky
- Xenoz
- Sherlock
- patrikmoraru
- Nine9
- One
- Exo64Nitrox
- Andreea
- victorjxsu
- Tib1x
- erik bossu
- zohdkwqysy
- ninjalez2500
- Slash
- mateigry
- thismf
- alexx
- sprai112
- Guest3511
- eleven
- halx123
- VeteranDrake642
- krisztian911
- david
- ExoRusea
- Sever
- seabeastbf
- FaultyInscripti
- Kraaa
- eleven
- subscribeGabitz
- PurerRecording1
- Guest2646
- lmao
- sximxzy77
- freshy
- ValuelessLanter
- ExoRacist
- Eexzyy
- ICoolBuddy
- Mateii
- Matei16
- eriukkkkk
- XRedDragonX57
- alex
- VenalQuantity49
- UnfamiliarEmiss
- Cristi_Ro
- PateArdealu
- TiMo
- therealninja201
- Stefan12
- xdzminar4563
- dodo
- Anthony
- AlexutzzHQ
- 6trr
- Gaby
- Guest6325
- IntegrativeFore
- Guest8095
- ovi9669
- Kaynbetter
- CongestedOgre67
- Saager
- defnotdarkness
- Denis123Sebi
- HeavyOx14740
- itszap
- Mihnea4456
- PandispanPufosu
- glici09
- Guest8920
- Floareboss
- CuteEduard
- Biscotti827
- NicestDivide30
- Guest2664
- exo_nameless
- dexy
- Guest5345
- Roby18k
- StellarDoggy
- Guest1422
- Arminxd8
- flan069
- VictorX2821
- Muffin
- Guest8595
- Alextrat
- xLuca
- Guest6007
- GamingResources
- _plsSpecial
- ForcibleMilitar
- seizoke
- DanielTheRacer
- SupplementarySe
- Guest3393
- TawdryEntertain
- SerratedBoost26
- ROBYtu48
- EdiHorga
- HastyGoal2037
- AndrewRuns
- dtr500
- Mitwoz
- Dennis
- bobi_is_canon
- XW
- Guest9865
- Hurty_exe
- satoshi
- PrecociousLease
- Guest1493
- GigaChad
- shnyyyx negr
- PracticalThing1
- Hiperul
- AuthenticMeetin
- Guest7647
- Big
- Guest9280
- zappy
- Muie__PSD
- Tamasakiraly
- Zali
- SG Xzonixz
- Imjustanoobpro
- TiredCow1888
- vxy masival
- Crizatoru
- andreiCross1
- CourteousPropor
- mr_remzy
- Guest3786
- seven
- Guest9860
- TroublingToken7
- Saracie
- Darius333Jump
- twelvini
- One heart
- MATA 2022
- StingingYeoman2
- andrey
- Guest4796
- Pisa
- Drx
- Tavi661
- Aeaddle
- Guest9876
- fernii
- ApplicableDivid
- AmadeoX99
- kazuha v2
- Suntsmk
- Guest5459
- HackneyedCurren
- AuxiliaryPresen
- babiesfromlepit
- TSecretM
- eleven
- nadim69
- DoreLean
- Guest7464
- hyperd4riuz
- LunaticArmadill
- Raresthegreat
- Guest9350
- Andrei100dd
- stefan-8
- NotNoobGamePlay
- MotleyEducation
- Guest7410
- kaiiki
- ionelikoman
- MrFister
- GaryGaming24
- eleven txzy
- Guest2258
- Rustykey123
- Guest4296
- Guest8555
- idkkk
- StereoScream22
- guest1783
- DrAg0s
- DragosBoss
- synn
- Guest5176
- MrNoodle
- DavidCastanic
- CoiMen300
- K3-P06
- hugo rege
- OptionalEnrichm
- i0s1f
- steff_Sewey
- Eusebio
- mihai20
- Guest5507
- tiktok nbny
- Guest5403
- Guest8756
- GooglePlay99999
- Guest4342
- hxozrfn
- Darius_Ro10
- Heisenberg
- AlexxStancu
- Guest8678
- P00sae
- R45V4N
- Alb23rt
- Ploiu1303
- Talpaiute2710
- adi_gpo
- Guest2293
- ramy
- Guest3402
- banana
- rxd
- NotHere
- now89
- Guest4647
- SV I'm bad
- I'm speed babyy
- Twelve
- cristi
- PuliceneQuince7
- Darius2a1d
- AndrewRO
- Sayonar
- quiK ExOG
- Guest7875
- AndreqZeu
- Stefan112
- OrneryTuba58256
- gopboi69
- Cartofel
- Zeph
- Aarmien
- Guest5160
- Misu15
- ImagineHaxing
- Tedy
- mayeoicsde
- Guest3721
- Guest8308
- Guest3353
- Edixss (previously)
- el gato (previously)
- DifferentAfflue (previously)
- CYBER (previously)
- itsZap alt (previously)
- Spigora is pro (previously)
- Luxito (previously)
- Zeddysped (previously)
- exo eye (previously)
- PL Ejay (previously)
- svenq1 (previously)
- notNata1cho (previously)
- FierceHotDog132 (previously)
- ks2 (previously)
- nicolasinu (previously)
- Viktor0246 (previously)
- baller (previously)
- I am bad (previously)
- NEXUS (previously)
- dvx (previously)
- Guest8364 (previously)