These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, country=RO configured:
  1. 我 | ★𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐨シ
  2. The best
  3. Smartlex
  4. JestfulFish5637
  5. SolidBackbone50
  6. q_p.paul
  7. JDIH
  8. 4x4
  9. 1ani3
  10. solonuju
  11. Chinezu
  12. Guest1048
  13. Eaaasportyy
  14. misery96
  15. Snowy
  16. TheGodIsHere2036
  17. katiserie
  19. sugi
  20. FleshEatingJock73891
  21. StudiousStoreho
  22. Deivid 2
  23. ByPwAsS
  24. Mihai023
  25. Poo on the beat
  26. ChrisLuvNoSkill
  27. Tud
  28. YoAlex
  29. imakilla
  30. Thekingexoracer
  31. FlexibleAnimati
  32. AlexR05
  33. TurquoiseAdjunct3292
  34. fanta6942
  35. Miruru
  36. PutativeGemini3
  37. SIKL
  38. tokyoodrift
  39. Rand up
  40. TheRealGhost
  41. nicolas
  42. Edi29
  43. Guest5083
  44. Trycatchingme
  45. Domy
  46. Guest3839
  47. Zrrrr
  48. linn .
  49. darixiis
  50. dhmis_fan
  51. Guest3098
  52. Guest3751
  53. Guest8544
  54. Calyn
  55. lIlIThePanther
  56. PaulGamingHD
  57. bogz
  58. °𝟛Ʌ爪°
  59. F1r3Start3r
  60. not arxis
  62. Guest3801
  63. cheeta
  64. 14cozmin
  65. crak3n
  66. raul
  67. Pluto_Boy
  68. Andrei
  69. Anthony
  70. TeamCatYt
  71. eleven
  72. Kao
  73. brOKen
  74. Oxtail23
  75. Daniel-05-
  76. waldythebest
  77. calinmatGDF123
  78. carcel
  79. ဨသဨဖဖဨဥွဣ
  80. Ericsson 3D
  81. TheBandit
  82. DensePrint28
  83. JestfulKnight46
  84. antonel
  85. Gusti
  86. Mido
  87. MrGuestSamsung
  88. raresh30
  89. Federico Popa
  91. ItsAlexo2x2
  92. Vlad
  93. RobyMuc
  94. SoftJavelina13
  95. dragos20100000
  96. Flaviusica
  97. ROALEX
  98. George
  99. agent tt
  100. FragileVortex58
  101. calinmatGDF
  102. PlainProjection13
  103. benitzuu
  104. FZ MXNT SP
  105. PayGorn
  106. P1xel
  107. hmidc
  108. halx123
  109. ZeuS__
  110. Guest6111
  111. IanisCastiga123
  112. b0g1n
  113. Guest8745
  114. quaddrro
  115. davijdvsRo
  116. Killer_xD
  117. someone
  118. Pay Gorn
  119. BYDavidu
  120. Andrey5015W
  121. hdwv
  122. Guest4784
  123. Guest6541
  124. M4R10
  125. GOD Roby
  126. Mariahh
  127. Guest1351
  128. pulanegro
  129. GiornoGiovanna
  130. OdaiCuDorian
  131. RobaeRoba
  132. kurtoskolaci
  133. Guest4222
  134. oons
  135. Alex09BH
  136. SobyInterlop
  137. Guest3519
  138. Syz
  139. halx123
  140. Guest3535
  141. Guest1822
  142. Guest5101
  143. violezorfani 69
  144. dede70
  145. Chunkingosaurus
  146. stanciucu
  147. rankedfisturick
  148. watasigma vMxty
  149. Zoro
  150. SAP | BAT
  151. Guest3784
  152. Flavius22
  153. nx moxi ro
  154. Tudor
  155. S1mB1oT3
  156. PetruYT3511
  157. Guest9264
  158. Clair!
  159. Guest9727
  160. Guest3388
  161. Guest2799
  162. korsoooo
  163. dogeyDJ2009
  164. MitzaNinjago
  165. dragos123445
  166. qwerg
  167. ZEUS
  168. David
  169. snik
  170. Tudorius
  171. Guest9027
  172. R-ALEx3
  173. NotTyuhna
  174. occupy
  175. Jami
  176. kamikaze
  177. CuteJustin
  178. Ballingggg
  179. CongestedFish80
  180. Ionel
  181. MariusOsu
  182. Vlad Stefan
  183. josh
  184. LeggedHeadquart
  185. Rychz_
  186. Haaland
  187. Tudor
  188. Guest4506
  189. Guest1258
  190. meme
  191. Cartofell347
  192. n3alucaa
  193. Ex0.K1nG
  194. Guest6282
  195. GloriousGravity
  196. 𝓫𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓪_𝓭𝓫𝓭_𝓽𝓽𝓿
  197. MrBacon
  198. Dorel2pitic
  199. 00
  200. Bimbo
  201. eleven
  202. Burgir
  203. Jokerfox61
  204. Ωμέγα
  205. mitzzu14
  206. MeanestDream20
  207. Ez Zenor
  208. aspirant5
  209. InspiredPilot86
  210. CrushedMartyr29
  211. ExORBV
  212. Edy
  213. PallidSuperiori
  214. davidbrk2013
  215. Not SooR Here
  216. Guest8930
  217. flame
  218. Ycrazy
  219. SociableTemper
  220. Alex
  221. Your grandma
  222. Krvxx
  223. Luckyluca3
  224. CuteEduardJUST
  225. ZenitsuLmaoo
  226. Guest5320
  227. Saul Ivu
  228. Guest7051
  229. Robistef
  230. Iulian
  231. Guest1387
  232. BL00DFU3L3D
  233. femboy_jk
  234. InfallibleCamp3
  235. VENOM
  236. axd
  237. Duk1
  238. fabi tris
  239. Guest4807
  240. Guest9829
  241. AXG
  242. Andreinotfound
  243. mastrer
  244. MassiveDecree7
  245. Lucaboss
  246. NighTyYoru
  247. BingBongLing
  248. Aschiuta 03
  249. David
  250. OpalSatyr6315
  251. LegalisticEveni
  252. Ve77o
  253. MockingGnome990
  254. Pad
  255. DenserMigration
  257. ODaiCuTaktu
  258. MockingGnome990
  259. RaresulRo
  260. ArtlessSpy20
  261. Stef
  262. MarioorAndrei
  263. Guest2548
  264. OpalRattlesnake
  265. Augu
  266. Razvyxxx1
  267. Aled
  268. VolatileLog51
  269. someone?
  270. N0TN0RM4L
  271. paul0osfeic
  272. rokka5r
  273. Guest4546
  274. NeMo
  275. IndubitableNymp
  276. DavidTheBoss1
  277. andreiecoole
  278. dortos
  279. ConformableCavi
  280. Guest2043
  281. L bozo
  282. Nugget69
  283. RobyyY
  284. OpalFlame55527
  285. darius
  286. ZQY OMGgs
  287. Synk734
  288. Imgraze
  289. Cosmin
  290. paul0os
  291. RapidSprite9812
  292. Guest3738
  293. Guest9936
  294. Guest2196
  295. niko
  296. jeff_uo
  297. plminmata
  298. butter
  299. Kire20171809
  300. pafi
  301. UrEd
  302. Guest8960
  303. Blitzzz__exe
  304. Heromax24
  305. Vl4dimir
  306. AGO0cr
  307. raduxd
  308. alexcos1
  309. Chinezzzu
  310. ligth122
  311. Walter White
  312. luca legend
  313. nochetojustpro
  314. xxneyxs
  315. CRISTI
  316. Gabi
  317. Eduard
  318. Luca
  319. Zelly
  320. trashaimnub
  321. MRC_iustin
  322. Guest2911
  323. qetzal
  324. Guest1102
  325. Capsator
  326. raven
  327. Cos
  328. sebi
  329. Ratzzaa
  330. Vetto
  331. georgescu
  332. rarres
  333. EXOTEDY
  334. sab201711
  335. filipoc
  336. Manueq1
  337. PaulonSkate
  338. i0s4f
  339. BlakJack
  340. ccrazvanandrei
  341. Vlad Sava
  342. theblazed
  343. maibinenu
  344. ovidel
  345. Erikkb
  346. JollyFly713
  347. sv_twele
  348. the man
  349. vyxl
  350. FieryWeirdo5324
  351. ComicInterrupti
  352. WatchingKraken6
  353. Sobolanel10
  354. TRomy
  355. Raduw1235
  356. Guest7177
  357. Flavius
  358. yametecorasai
  359. mata1234
  360. DR4G0S24
  361. chirbitel
  362. DemonicJuggler1
  363. cossie
  364. RoboXD69
  365. Guest1427
  366. cezar
  367. iustin1027
  368. NotRuben
  369. SnakeWtb2_0
  370. CoolerHallmark2
  371. Guest2869
  372. Guest8576
  373. MeZaip
  374. FoulKnock16
  375. GloatingBoss334
  376. FreezingRenegad
  377. sznk
  378. 5h4rd
  379. AndreiMenix
  380. rahy
  381. FormlessForecas
  382. stefan
  383. Rauuul
  384. Gworn
  385. Bulgaras
  386. 69
  387. GutturalSkin55
  388. minicactus
  389. MagnificentSala
  390. Lexbi
  391. D3Xtr
  392. Free_cock69
  393. Guest6415
  394. EnderSlayer!
  395. Scrambles
  396. Nicholas
  397. Yora's bad
  398. Alex aka me
  399. cratrat
  400. theonewhoknocks
  401. Ra1nbhi
  402. JauntyVein55
  403. Dacianpowerneed
  404. twelve
  405. Manu02
  406. Bthegod
  407. Denitzu
  408. ImagineBeingBad
  409. Guester
  410. mitzaar
  411. Guest4247
  412. Matey
  413. dumyand
  414. RustyKahuna4698
  415. P4tric
  416. floriniosif2010
  417. Cln1x
  418. 0vedenie
  419. CalledAlbi
  420. Simplyyyy
  421. PaulinoJucatoru
  422. nichifordavid
  423. bingus dingus
  424. Darius1004
  425. Esh luca
  426. Calinescu__
  427. NerdyJock48149
  428. Bogdanel
  429. Phidar
  430. Wo4lfer
  431. Rxtra Food Bozo
  432. stoica_vere
  433. Printulcezar
  434. Edi029
  435. DenisTYC
  436. FrugalPlethora
  437. LameAristocrat4
  438. Guest7109
  439. Guest4563
  440. otigae420
  441. Patrick
  442. Geo
  443. iamamam1
  444. jt
  445. DaniBoy102030
  446. bobo
  447. ForeignMedusa12
  448. TributaryNeck17
  449. NoxiousHarveste
  450. eleven
  451. Supdud
  452. GLMatei69
  453. Skromp
  454. CrankySquirrel5
  455. im bad
  456. denis
  457. Ericsson 3D
  458. BrownMedic2171
  459. PoeticalBasebal
  460. Sara_iza_
  461. Bonan02
  462. NeedlessSurfer3
  463. Huvilan1337
  464. NxTudorAnd
  465. pro grandma
  466. davidd7
  467. Claudiu
  468. REXY
  469. V1centiU
  470. Elven
  471. Guest6640
  472. OdaiCuThealpha0
  473. Zark
  474. Epok_Malvi_69
  475. RevengefulMattr
  476. Raresh500
  477. Rechinus1
  478. Guest7075
  479. ConcreteAgenda1
  480. seven
  481. mifu
  482. Seko
  483. Barzan123
  484. alexboss
  485. Slippy Pengu
  486. Deniss
  487. DenisMH_
  488. Fourteen14
  489. exo_gravyxx
  490. Motanu'
  491. SafeSufficiency
  492. GlacialDiction2
  494. ProfligateHarm1
  495. StaunchCategory
  496. xor
  497. PastJar32
  498. ionatanty
  499. VeteranConfines
  500. Stefan59mtd
  501. SergiuKing229
  502. Avent
  503. tudor smecheru
  504. Epanda7
  505. StreetMan_X
  506. Rimai noob
  507. Guest9329
  508. sky
  509. PuradelTigan
  510. ImInYourPlanet
  511. Rimai fangirl
  512. Romangutan
  513. negga
  514. Yanis
  515. Parsul
  516. danielRE
  517. Guest_8756
  518. Filip
  519. Silviu64
  520. REXO FL
  521. Pula
  522. qeerzlmao
  523. oliver_cool
  524. shadow2332
  525. bot
  526. NxS_Matei
  527. GeorgicaMafiotu
  528. Kamec
  529. obbyluga
  530. Ovidiubgy123
  531. Bogdi38
  532. TLU-MaTei-RO
  533. Mateisiatat3
  534. Mat31
  535. sebacky7
  536. 0stizi0
  537. Elon Musk
  538. BiBi
  539. SheLovesValstet
  540. Phonky
  541. perryorintorinc
  542. ZippyConjurer21
  543. mateisamurai201
  544. FortunateLiving
  545. Guest4525
  546. AussieFriend
  547. ImperfectPetiti
  548. Limax
  549. Lets goo
  550. kaws
  551. bot 3
  552. AlexPalade2008
  553. Rowbogdi
  554. Radu
  555. cirba23
  556. luca_idkk
  557. Frostie
  558. RariHam
  559. xmh
  560. Stefanboss052
  561. Guest8509
  562. Guest4885
  563. Alexes
  564. ronert9076
  565. Notpro
  566. bogdan328
  567. Erick Kovacs
  568. L33tCoach3
  569. davidsoreionut
  570. HolisticBalance
  571. dragon
  572. Andrei
  573. pulaaaaa
  574. Tabusca
  575. GeekyExpert9192
  576. GOD Yuzi
  577. ReclipseReal
  578. anuck890
  579. Codrinel
  580. Zam0lxemk
  581. lucaplays
  582. seebiii
  583. SoulKillerOnYt
  584. r4ndom
  585. Iuliks
  586. Victor
  587. CastraveteMurat
  588. Guest9535
  589. sashaandrei2009
  590. HarsherChain6
  591. NXSmatteo10
  592. dragos_si_atat
  593. neamtzu80
  594. traglast
  595. Subscor9128
  596. dutu
  597. saulmarian284
  598. eleven
  599. Syaz
  600. pierre
  601. sLvN_07
  602. SmartSeeker
  603. Exo_Luca
  604. Guest3684
  605. stefane2007
  606. Guest2657
  607. patew
  608. Mariutos
  609. AndiPacearescu
  610. GrizzW
  611. Deadlyblood1435
  612. Zippy
  613. Guest7273
  614. cre1uu
  615. Luca
  616. RazvanIzTheWolf
  617. FractionalWealt
  618. FresherBehavior
  619. erotervs 3gei
  620. ro1bobo
  621. Tudrish
  622. Gabxx
  623. dancica970
  624. eleven
  625. LuxuriousHunger
  626. DarkFly
  627. Cop
  628. tired
  629. UnwieldyAusteri
  630. Pruusgy
  631. rvdam2189
  632. IndulgentReserv
  633. soundninja91
  634. Guest2520
  635. MerioRo
  636. AndreFrost
  637. Alex Pro
  638. Microsoft
  639. NotPaul22
  640. chicken_loves_U
  641. RareBlade330
  642. VladyZeW
  643. Dey0411
  644. stas
  645. DogeGesus
  646. Swizy
  647. FakerRO
  648. Ari_G
  649. Guest5735
  650. Jupiterboay
  651. Deivid
  652. JustRemyyy
  653. OJI
  654. SystematicLegen
  655. Edis_came
  656. ExoCold
  657. AL3X
  658. InsaneHoplite23
  659. TeiuTeiu
  660. Davidppk09
  661. HirsuiteSword55
  662. dvd_cu_d
  663. GraveMeal38
  664. Dannysh500
  665. Alex
  666. ValiantWinner12
  667. InformalDrought
  668. Sewyyy
  669. PeterGriffin
  670. Lammy
  671. tavisukaru
  672. asi
  674. REXO RZ
  675. sx_ghostie
  676. Denisnovice
  677. Ks2IsPro
  678. ExoRacerNoob
  679. ImmaculateCliff
  680. ionut6665
  681. MarioBeats
  682. Albastars
  683. Alto
  684. Guest5810
  685. idkk
  686. Green_muc
  687. WickedUnicorn97
  688. Flaming921
  689. SleekMagic95243
  690. dimisor
  691. Meme_RO
  692. ping
  693. Eu
  694. Pula in cur
  695. bogdaj
  696. Andreyy
  697. reffl3x
  698. TheBest
  699. Guest2550
  700. Eduardaahh
  701. Bodo
  702. xGabriel2010
  703. DanyshhJR
  704. ceaoi
  705. Guest6286
  706. YAnnis0588
  707. hahah
  708. capitanminigun0
  709. Spurx
  710. hilala
  711. DirectMask136
  712. horatiu2733
  713. efee
  714. EU
  715. iSeeGhost
  716. ThatAndrei
  717. BrodyMad
  718. driz
  719. simple
  720. RoPingu125
  721. Blade
  722. dtx
  723. Guest2110
  724. Dinazeu
  725. PiratulAfrican5
  726. Kyto
  727. Nann
  728. Te pap
  729. Also Me
  730. craft on pc
  731. goofyplayer
  732. tyuioperwqda
  733. bucsanub
  734. SharedWolf
  735. bot 2
  736. Nicolas
  737. Beni96
  738. Guest5002
  739. Guest3702
  740. DilligentFeet24
  741. KelvinWilson975
  742. xxZergo12
  743. FauxBruiser6569
  744. RegularDevil345
  745. Daniel
  746. Dakkaaff
  747. Kiss_FM
  748. Gam_er47
  749. BaMuieEstiSmech
  750. ThreeAddress19
  751. LoopyOfficer81
  752. Alex
  753. dvd_cu_d
  754. FreelanceValkyr
  755. fwryuk3
  756. DogeBoyYT
  757. Emy_Sky
  758. erikxoxo
  759. Gheboasa
  760. RabidRage7789
  761. drill
  762. 92_Yarin
  763. ReSpXcT
  764. RD1_1
  765. Vladmificul
  766. Lxner
  767. Guest5275
  768. oaie speciala
  769. olariumuiedutu
  770. Andreas
  771. Black
  772. StoneCraft2005
  773. beelucky
  774. Xenoz
  775. Sherlock
  776. patrikmoraru
  777. Nine9
  778. One
  779. Exo64Nitrox
  780. Andreea
  781. victorjxsu
  782. Tib1x
  783. erik bossu
  784. zohdkwqysy
  785. ninjalez2500
  786. Slash
  787. mateigry
  788. thismf
  789. alexx
  790. sprai112
  791. Guest3511
  792. eleven
  793. halx123
  794. VeteranDrake642
  795. krisztian911
  796. david
  797. ExoRusea
  798. Sever
  799. seabeastbf
  800. FaultyInscripti
  801. Kraaa
  802. eleven
  803. subscribeGabitz
  804. PurerRecording1
  805. Guest2646
  806. lmao
  807. sximxzy77
  808. freshy
  809. ValuelessLanter
  810. ExoRacist
  811. Eexzyy
  812. ICoolBuddy
  813. Mateii
  814. Matei16
  815. eriukkkkk
  816. XRedDragonX57
  817. alex
  818. VenalQuantity49
  819. UnfamiliarEmiss
  820. Cristi_Ro
  821. PateArdealu
  822. TiMo
  823. therealninja201
  824. Stefan12
  825. xdzminar4563
  826. dodo
  827. Anthony
  828. AlexutzzHQ
  829. 6trr
  830. Gaby
  831. Guest6325
  832. IntegrativeFore
  833. Guest8095
  834. ovi9669
  835. Kaynbetter
  836. CongestedOgre67
  837. Saager
  838. defnotdarkness
  839. Denis123Sebi
  840. HeavyOx14740
  841. itszap
  842. Mihnea4456
  843. PandispanPufosu
  844. glici09
  845. Guest8920
  846. Floareboss
  847. CuteEduard
  848. Biscotti827
  849. NicestDivide30
  850. Guest2664
  851. exo_nameless
  852. dexy
  853. Guest5345
  854. Roby18k
  855. StellarDoggy
  856. Guest1422
  857. Arminxd8
  858. flan069
  859. VictorX2821
  860. Muffin
  861. Guest8595
  862. Alextrat
  864. xLuca
  865. Guest6007
  866. GamingResources
  867. _plsSpecial
  868. ForcibleMilitar
  869. seizoke
  870. DanielTheRacer
  871. SupplementarySe
  873. Guest3393
  874. TawdryEntertain
  875. SerratedBoost26
  876. ROBYtu48
  877. EdiHorga
  878. HastyGoal2037
  879. AndrewRuns
  880. dtr500
  881. Mitwoz
  882. Dennis
  883. bobi_is_canon
  884. XW
  885. Guest9865
  886. Hurty_exe
  887. satoshi
  888. PrecociousLease
  889. Guest1493
  890. GigaChad
  891. shnyyyx negr
  892. PracticalThing1
  893. Hiperul
  894. AuthenticMeetin
  895. Guest7647
  896. Big
  897. Guest9280
  898. zappy
  899. Muie__PSD
  900. Tamasakiraly
  901. Zali
  902. SG Xzonixz
  903. Imjustanoobpro
  904. TiredCow1888
  905. vxy masival
  906. Crizatoru
  907. andreiCross1
  908. CourteousPropor
  909. mr_remzy
  910. Guest3786
  911. seven
  912. Guest9860
  913. TroublingToken7
  914. Saracie
  915. Darius333Jump
  916. twelvini
  917. One heart
  918. SVG TDR
  919. MATA 2022
  920. StingingYeoman2
  921. andrey
  922. Guest4796
  923. Pisa
  924. Drx
  925. Tavi661
  926. Aeaddle
  927. Guest9876
  928. fernii
  929. NiXEN
  930. ApplicableDivid
  931. AmadeoX99
  932. kazuha v2
  933. Suntsmk
  934. Guest5459
  935. HackneyedCurren
  936. AuxiliaryPresen
  937. babiesfromlepit
  939. TSecretM
  940. eleven
  941. nadim69
  942. DoreLean
  943. Guest7464
  944. hyperd4riuz
  945. LunaticArmadill
  946. Raresthegreat
  947. Guest9350
  948. Andrei100dd
  949. stefan-8
  950. NotNoobGamePlay
  951. MotleyEducation
  952. Guest7410
  953. kaiiki
  954. ionelikoman
  955. MrFister
  956. GaryGaming24
  957. eleven txzy
  958. Guest2258
  959. Rustykey123
  960. Guest4296
  961. Guest8555
  962. idkkk
  963. StereoScream22
  964. guest1783
  965. DrAg0s
  966. DragosBoss
  967. synn
  968. Guest5176
  969. MrNoodle
  970. DavidCastanic
  971. CoiMen300
  972. K3-P06
  973. hugo rege
  974. OptionalEnrichm
  975. i0s1f
  976. steff_Sewey
  977. Eusebio
  978. mihai20
  979. Guest5507
  980. tiktok nbny
  981. Guest5403
  982. Guest8756
  983. GooglePlay99999
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  985. hxozrfn
  987. Darius_Ro10
  988. Heisenberg
  989. AlexxStancu
  990. Guest8678
  991. P00sae
  992. R45V4N
  993. Alb23rt
  994. Ploiu1303
  995. Talpaiute2710
  996. adi_gpo
  997. Guest2293
  998. ramy
  999. Guest3402
  1000. banana
  1001. rxd
  1002. NotHere
  1003. now89
  1004. Guest4647
  1005. SV I'm bad
  1006. I'm speed babyy
  1007. Twelve
  1008. cristi
  1009. PuliceneQuince7
  1010. Darius2a1d
  1011. AndrewRO
  1012. Sayonar
  1013. RO7KLIXZY4226
  1014. quiK ExOG
  1015. Guest7875
  1016. AndreqZeu
  1017. Stefan112
  1018. OrneryTuba58256
  1019. gopboi69
  1020. Cartofel
  1021. Zeph
  1022. Aarmien
  1023. Guest5160
  1024. Misu15
  1025. ImagineHaxing
  1026. Tedy
  1027. mayeoicsde
  1028. Guest3721
  1029. Guest8308
  1030. Guest3353
  1031. Edixss (previously)
  1032. el gato (previously)
  1033. DifferentAfflue (previously)
  1034. CYBER (previously)
  1035. itsZap alt (previously)
  1036. Spigora is pro (previously)
  1037. Luxito (previously)
  1038. Zeddysped (previously)
  1039. exo eye (previously)
  1040. PL Ejay (previously)
  1041. svenq1 (previously)
  1042. notNata1cho (previously)
  1043. FierceHotDog132 (previously)
  1044. ks2 (previously)
  1045. nicolasinu (previously)
  1046. Viktor0246 (previously)
  1047. baller (previously)
  1048. I am bad (previously)
  1049. NEXUS (previously)
  1050. dvx (previously)
  1051. Guest8364 (previously)