These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, country=ZA configured:
  1. Sarel Snr
  2. Yoda
  3. Guest8415
  4. Petrus
  5. Nesin
  6. Guest6320
  7. exterman8or
  8. NumberSet
  9. Guest2444
  10. Anton3
  11. NuclearFrog
  12. CatGamerWithAar
  13. Googly
  14. MrCoin
  15. Skibidi sigma
  16. Guest1234
  17. B1tchBoy's Babe
  18. Guest8393
  19. Jxc2003
  20. CrispyRascal18
  21. Mystical
  22. Claps
  23. IncredibleSkommel
  25. QhamaB
  26. Nxxi
  27. Rave
  28. シŘẹąpęŕシ
  29. KingSlayer
  30. EnigmaticCadet8
  31. Soggysox
  32. doggy
  33. venx
  34. Die_Plan_Man
  35. RouYelly
  36. UndersignedBlen
  37. Guest2339
  38. Icyy5
  39. Jasper Pang
  40. xydubz
  41. i died again
  42. BitFlipper2010
  43. ExoEvox
  44. MrSpoons
  45. Red bull
  46. skyeZ863
  47. jew
  48. DiamondAdvice96
  49. crossdight
  50. Guest5523
  51. the yeeter
  52. iFatedMolecule3
  53. Guest3990
  54. CyberLight
  55. Guest1352
  56. Ronk
  57. Guest2416
  58. NaiveCommandant
  59. DelightfulKitch
  60. juan
  61. Guest4255
  62. Malema
  63. RagingManiac280
  64. PRED
  65. Freezy
  66. Guest7875
  67. Wafflecat
  68. Astro
  69. Apollotion
  70. cornewindt
  71. Stoworm
  72. Rikus
  73. UnearnedDivinit
  75. lioshire
  76. jouma
  77. Effxct404
  78. ninjaboyyyj
  79. JWIII
  80. Guest2033
  81. Guest1535
  82. TomdaBomb6056
  83. Guest2050
  84. X1Bananaman
  85. Blayzy07
  87. MR_SIGMA
  88. Beans
  89. WrAtH
  90. methememan
  91. LegibleFuture36
  92. SPOOK69
  93. savagedog001YT
  94. Treeless
  95. balls
  96. Goat
  97. Theunis591
  98. xouise
  99. SignificantExhi
  100. DaCurrie123
  101. Cxpz
  103. Nobody
  105. CongestedMarket
  106. NotSwizzFN
  107. AzureSeal31
  108. 000000000000000
  109. Drapz_syko10
  110. Davoevoeroe
  111. susybaka3400
  112. Guest9322
  113. YeeterOfChildre
  114. Exo ToX1c
  115. Guest8917
  116. SM LEADER
  117. Ruthlesswilly42
  118. Guest2711
  119. IndubitableNerd
  120. PrivateYT
  121. Ninjago
  122. tom
  123. Moonlight0774
  124. PromptPendulum2
  125. Guest9792
  126. Dian
  127. KgoshiDaKing
  128. Whisky
  129. Guest9057
  130. Rubix
  131. Mav
  132. Guest1753
  133. 24k_spexz_alt
  134. datdoioi420
  135. Princey
  136. Jaiden1401
  137. GloriousSeal441
  138. Guest4189
  139. FrostySticks
  140. guest17 claps u
  141. envixity
  142. Guest7139
  143. nightsky
  144. TBNRnoob
  145. LakePurplex
  146. Yammy786
  147. IconicCow145
  148. Guest6639
  149. Saalih
  150. Neutron
  151. Minoxraft
  152. Odin
  153. BeauteousAssump
  154. elfey
  155. FearlessFrog917
  156. Guest6736
  157. SneakyWolf2010
  158. HeyyGG
  159. Moneymoo
  160. Octopoesss
  161. HollowExasperat
  162. VincieDragon123
  163. Chums141
  164. Nathan14v1
  165. AdjunctCrow2343
  166. Guest3103
  167. SLEEPY
  168. dhsj
  169. Joelmaster12
  170. Guest8249
  171. iyaz2916
  172. JL_
  173. Guest1821
  174. Guest4187
  175. tropicalboom
  176. Sumari se man
  177. Boecho
  178. Twizzy
  179. Guest9376
  180. HumorousKatana7
  181. ScariestBand494
  182. Guest3817
  183. Guest9546
  185. Guest2307
  186. Guest8702
  187. Tiaan
  188. TotalResponse38
  189. Feelmypeel
  190. Sid
  191. Xiao
  192. XXXdylanxxx
  193. Spongylemonn958
  194. PunctiliousChin
  196. Orz
  197. Minimainhirn
  198. johanl0l
  199. Rob
  200. Patfenisduicyji
  201. Tasneem1929
  202. Sage_Ace
  203. Xayter2oo
  204. Guest3914
  205. Arn is trash
  206. 1NF1N1TY
  207. FlippantHumidit
  208. Breadsticks
  209. Snorri
  210. 1 time use acc
  211. TeaCuP7800
  212. SensibleGazelle
  213. imbetterthanu
  214. SlowerCane33
  215. Too EZE
  216. Astro
  217. Mxxi
  218. Guest9973
  219. rayar man 3
  220. Guest7952
  221. coollama2329
  222. JipsHotsuin23
  223. Guest4422
  224. justinvannieker
  225. Vliet
  226. Guest5261
  227. Gabriel Smit
  228. Feco
  229. Guest1148
  230. Guest8658
  231. RG racerH
  232. Ross
  233. SolarGoodwill16
  234. Guest2830
  235. B1tchboy Rdkill
  236. Guest1594
  237. Guest5960
  238. Guest1846
  239. Maniac
  240. Killingshark101
  241. TTVSharkyyy
  242. ExplainablePomp
  243. Guest3004
  244. CrazyGamer21212
  245. Jester
  246. Guest4837
  247. ArsenicJupiter2
  248. JouMasetoonesti
  249. TanHandling5
  250. Wolf
  251. Redx
  252. Tyrone
  253. Gamertylerxy
  254. jamal
  255. RoomySource
  256. GruffMystic346
  257. CRYTOG3N
  258. mikimouse
  259. Spexy
  260. DGOGS6969
  261. Guest8819
  262. Guest3464
  263. Guest4182
  264. khancme
  265. NoxiousColonel2
  266. GrimBogeyman917
  267. ObsequiousInter
  268. RobTRM
  269. TempestuousRadi
  270. KMKAY2008
  271. Guest5823
  272. NathanSchneigan
  273. PlayerOneBoss
  274. edgeingananuyru
  275. Guest6029
  276. gjrujg
  277. DAKES144
  278. Guest2357
  279. JealousAdmiral4
  280. GameChanger1806
  281. ThirstyTrucker5
  282. Guest1930
  283. Guest2785
  284. Guest2775
  285. KIEKS
  286. KayaPlays23
  287. CJSuck
  288. GenuineSasquatc
  289. FakeWinner53552
  290. theHAZARDbom
  291. Saify
  292. theskelegold
  293. KineticCongress
  294. IncoherentCorpu
  295. Guest1671
  296. ProudJokester80
  297. Bmanlovesskittl
  298. Guest8408
  299. yeetmageet2072
  300. Mattie333dd3rdd
  301. AntiquatedSolid
  302. ICY THE CAT
  303. BrokeSoil16
  304. BakedRapidity42
  305. Guest6876
  306. GeneralReversal
  307. TBNRDami
  308. PetrifiedBeast2
  309. FusionWolfX
  310. Othido
  311. Hersie08
  312. FullerHappiness
  313. ShadowGt101
  314. Guest7395
  315. SufficientCitat
  316. TrisTrez18
  317. Guest7288
  318. CRUZ
  320. LazyWillow71088
  321. TheSaint
  322. Guest6978
  323. Bread78
  324. Asphaltio
  325. Guest2127
  326. bobtheblob1638
  327. Sylo
  328. Guest2883
  329. SirClashin
  330. KillerRyan31
  331. Treeless02
  332. Bolty (previously)
  333. Kexalz on tt (previously)
  334. JMonster (previously)
  335. oh Metty (previously)
  336. W4 (previously)