ketamine v1
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Author: 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢
Created: 2024-Sep-27 10:17:12

Likes: 3
Laps: 1
Author time: 7.665
Gold time: 8.400
Silver time: 9.200
Updated: 2024-Sep-27 10:17:12 UTC

Difficulty hard
Duration 🕒 normal

Categories hard (1), normal length (1)

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Reviews (currently only ExoStats moderators can add reviews)
On 2024-09-27 13:40, L3 published:
Nice mechanic around the first swing! Not sure I've seen that before (took me a bit to get where I was supposed to go)

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Last update: 2024-Oct-03 22:44.