These player(s) are known to have, or used to have, skin=og_yellow configured:
- Ahboh0907
- DutchKing
- broliai3
- Xrzy
- Rafsteroo
- SpeculativeBott
- Nate0mate0
- Totocrazy
- Maartin280
- twix_rune
- Guest1955
- Cscs
- Gerdo14s
- IrregularBuffalo
- 2fast4u
- Candyman
- RubberDuck
- IntenseGosling7
- TheDoctorCoconu
- Mumwmy
- Milkdemigod
- ℤ𝕒𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕟
- MangoToGo
- Zalan007
- VoidIV
- Oh999
- XheadknockerX
- sir meow yt
- Benthatkoolkid
- Ducky
- ParalleX
- Guest6645
- RacingGoods15
- andreiecoole
- SparklyAngie
- not like Lucas
- Dark
- Krissu_boy
- Superbezbez
- Gl utrash
- Phloip
- Hype
- Fox
- segec
- Zeldinion
- kitsunenova
- QTao
- TheBigMiller
- LuxyDuxyProGame
- VladtheK
- CoolerHallmark2
- dayli___140
- Ponelogic
- epimaq
- Guest7189
- JrTSaintz
- hory0pioter
- Zy_Juice_God
- Waffle
- ExoRacer
- Kampfkarotte222
- Daan
- Balls
- zamatez
- Erik
- Yuri
- Guest7048
- MarcusNoob
- its_RyZe_HFS
- Dyl
- dkgfnhe
- One
- lolpower08
- Guest1740
- Cacti_Vibes
- djoewe
- Zoro
- The
- Gblik
- Ritvars2007
- Timmy
- baconator
- xGabriel2010
- Guest2597
- Inkunami
- IndieJ86
- SwiftSolace14
- plopsaskills725
- cornishly
- Banana
- Kyp_DU
- ozne
- Yes
- -Deleted User-
- Slingerscheet
- nubz
- UnweariedSancti
- Hostis2006
- NotPurple
- diogo
- RebtaFyvt
- itsjaykay27
- zedpgd
- lifeisalair
- Therealyoup
- Hyper
- horse
- IkLaatEenProtje
- technoneverdies
- Brhn2007
- Guest6668
- Diz
- Gui100problema
- TallMaestro (previously)
- Llama_106 (previously)
- Banana Guy (previously)
- cattmare (previously)
- Ed12 (previously)
- Papa_Fritz (previously)
- Kopelat OG (previously)
- Player432 (previously)
- RagingLemon8569 (previously)
- Durzee (previously)
- getlosy (previously)
- Steve (previously)
- Mignus123 (previously)
- StoneDinosaur71 (previously)
- I_want_potatoes (previously)
- algo333 (previously)