Player : Stinky toe fungus the world destroyer Log in to follow this player Last updated this profile 10.0 days ago (highscores are separate from profile data).
Configuration history :
Highest trophy value achieved: 16
Win and loss streak at the time of updating: 1
, 0
Maximum win and loss streak (all time): 1
, 0
Online game results:
Total number of online games: 10
Estimated 0.5 hours
online play time Other players with the same skin, trail, and glider : 11010
This player has not appeared on the leaderboard during any database update. No time-of-day stats available: too few data points.Custom levels medals : 4 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold, and 1 author
Generation 3: Generation 2: Generation 1: Custom levels (1): This player created no level categories. Custom categories can be created here .
Outfits worn: