Player : Breeze Log in to follow this player Last updated this profile 208.8 days ago (highscores are separate from profile data).
Configuration history :
This player's name changed 1× in the past. Highest trophy value achieved: 948
Win and loss streak at the time of updating: 0
, 0
Maximum win and loss streak (all time): 2
, 5
Online game results:
Total number of online games: 326
Estimated 16.3 hours
online play time Other players with the same skin, trail, and glider : 1
This player has not appeared on the leaderboard during any database update. Time-of-day stats (approximately using the local time of the player):h 1st 2nd 3rd 4th DNF avg #
09 46% 15% 12% 12% 15% 2.35 26
13 32% 20% 15% 14% 20% 2.70 66
17 39% 16% 14% 12% 20% 2.57 51
21 25% 31% 15% 16% 13% 2.60 55
Custom levels medals : 125 bronze, 97 silver, 91 gold, and 67 author
Generation 3: Generation 2: Generation 1: #1209:
2022 Dec 14 13:49
online for
NL #1440:
2022 Dec 14 20:50
offline practice for
NL Custom levels (5):Note: this user uploaded some levels which were flagged as offensive. They are hidden, but still included in the count at the top.
Levels which were deleted on Exoracer itself are not included in the count. This player created no level categories. Custom categories can be created here .
Outfits worn: